Friday, January 29, 2010

I love my Dog.

I love my dog. But some times I wish I could just forget and dive into the next moment the way she does. Admittedly she doesn't have to pay bills, repair cars, buy food or go to work. In truth the one job she does have is . . . holding down the couch. Yes, holding down the couch. She nests on one side of the couch constantly and if we go out, or go to work she can be depended on to be found right there. Holding down the couch.

But I have to admit. When we come in she does jump down off the couch (Abandons that post) to wag , squeak and greet us, genuinely letting us know how glad she is that we are home safe. Hmm . . ALWAYS GENUINELY GLAD TO SEE US. Maybe there's a lesson to learn there.

And then there's those looks, like at feeding time, or the "I need to go out" look. And she genuinely expects to get your attention and an answer. And it's consistent, she always expects a response from you. Hmm . . . EXPECTANCY - maybe there's a lesson there.

And then she 'always' begs like she expects to get something whether she does or not. She never gives up. Hmm . . . PERSISTENT/CONSISTENT - Oh God! Maybe there's a lesson there too.

Okay this is getting spooky. Kind of like my dog is some divinely placed personality here to teach me some kind of lesson. (While pretty much being as cute as she can be)

Any way now it's got me thinking. I should work on mastering these things. They could quite possibly help me on the road out of average. Food for thought. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Cancer of Average

You know cancer begins with a single cell in the body and spreads. Average can do the dame thing. But let me help you with something easy. Average only spreads if you let it.

Some days (like today, when you may be feeling below average) you have to just sit down and take stock of what's happened so far to see how far you've come.

I was just mentioning to a friend the fact that - Oh my God it's almost February! Where did January go. Then after sitting for a while and thinking about it it I began to realize how incredibly far I had progressed in the last 30 days! This taking small steps thing is working out. Here's the January take:
- 2 car repairs totally paid for in cash!
- Extra money in savings!
- New budget parameters set opening the door to an incredible future!
- A different attitude taking shape in my life (My dog's "Best Day Ever" thing)
- And a sense that I can carry some of this improvement into other areas of my life!

Now that may not seem huge to you. But consider it next to the same old same old, average way of life. Get up, go to work, come home, eat, watch TV, go to bed . . get up do it again way of life where NOTHING EVER CHANGES! Hey! We're making some head way here. Can't wait to see what happens in February!

And you know if you haven't really started yet. That's okay. You can start making small changes today. Just little things. Maybe only the way you think about things. Little things like snowballs, when packed and rolled become big (and noticeable) Evidenced by the 9' snowman in my back yard. Come on. . . take a chance on change . . . even just encouraging someone else some days helps you.

Make little things your goal and in 30 days you'll be amazed!
Better than average can spread to. Little things add up, like making snowballs bigger. I was surprised, I bet you will be too . . see you tomorrow.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wow - The Stars Aligned

What a fantastic day. When things look bleak, the clouds part and the sun shines. You know there may be something to this thinking like your dog thing. EVERY DAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER!

This week we experienced another round in the car repair realm. $400 worth. Of course, living on a tight budget (What some people may call month to month) we were hard pressed to come up with the money out of pocket. We thought, "There goes the emergency fund, wiped out again." Not to mention we took the car to one place and they discovered that to replace the part required a special tool that they didn't have. So on to the next repair shop. Well . . . Let me tell you about it.

I've been talking to everyone lately about how "If you were you're dog," everything would be the BEST EVER. You know, the best walk, the best play, the best pet . . . yadda - yadda - yadda. Anyway, here's how it turned out.

First I get a 10% of coupon in an email from the repair shop where I'm taking my car, then some things I placed on Craig's List sold (2x what I need to pay for the car.)!!! My emergency fund stays in tack and I end up with some extra Money. THE BEST DAY EVER! Not to mention my dog got a walk AND a car ride, plus the car is fixed. Yeah!

You know, Don't give up! In the movie "Galaxy Quest" with Tim Allen there's a line, "Never Give Up! Never Surrender!" In this quest for a more than average life, "Don't give up!" Good things happen to those who don't give up. It may take a while, but stay on the bright side of things and remember that, "Every cloud has a silver lining" thing. In a book I read it talks about not growing weary in doing good, because in due time we will reap a reward if we don't give up. Remember what we've been talking about? Taking small steps and making small changes. Keep it up, good things happen. Believe it.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Things I Learned From My Dog!

I recently read something from that dog whisperer guy that has really had me thinking.
It's so cool if you think about it. In your (a) dog's mind everyday is Christmas! Every day is the BEST day! Every walk is the BEST walk! Every meal is the BEST meal! Every snack is the BEST snack. Every playtime is the BEST playtime! And every pet is the . . . you got it . . . THE BEST PET!

Now think about it. What if we accept this kind to attitude adjustment? What if we started to think about things like our dogs. I keep hearing that song in my head "Don't worry, Be happy." But start thinking of everything in a very very positive way! - Wow! This is the best time blogging I've ever had!
- or, This is the BEST trip to work ever!
Any way I'm hoping you get the idea. It would be so far above average to think and act this way. Try to do so though without letting your tongue hang out, or wagging your tail.

I've started talking to myself about this consistently, telling others about it. I really believe it can make a difference. Do ya feel me? Cause I'm feelin it! I'm just sitting here thinking about dinner. Wow! It's gonna be the BEST meal ever! And then I'm going to play with my dog and we're going to really enjoy each other!

Oh man! The more I think about it the happier I get(THIS IS THE BEST ________ EVER!) And you don't even have to have a dog . . . just get happy about the next thing coming up. See ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Status Quo

I'll bet you didn't know that "Status Quo" is Latin for "The Mess We're In"

Yesterday was a doosie. It would literally freak you out to know how much they want to put a new thermostat in a VW Passat! It did me! Just when everything seemed to be in it's place (or at least getting there.) Whamo! Isn't that just like life to throw you a curve ball just when you think things are getting better.

But you know . . . there's a way I used to act (average) that would let this kind of a thing derail me (at least mentally)and I would in turn let that ruin my day, and of course try to get everyone else to feel as bad as I do, etc, etc . . .

BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!!!! In reality I have a little bit of an emergency fund set aside and I'm going to be thankful I have that. Put it to the problem this time and then start over on that fund and build it up bigger! Things aren't as bad as they may seem, so I'm going to keep smiling and work through it. I've got my health, as they say and I'm not ready to give up! Besides when it's all said an done the car will be better and I'll not have to worry about that issue for a long time! So there life! You had your shot and you lose!

You know the unexpected will always happen. You can expect it. As someone said, "It's not the problem that's the problem. It's how you treat it."

You know I feel pretty good about this. I've got to go set an appointment for a thermostat change. Here's to success. See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 18, 2010


OMG, is an understatement. I've spent considerable quiet time reading and contemplating the subject of change today.

AWK! Here's a taste:
"Mignon McLaughlin said, 'It's the most unhappy people who fear change.' When patterns and traditions are broken, new opportunities come together. Defending your faults and errors only proves that you have no intention of quitting them. All progress is due to those who were not satisfied to let well enough alone. They weren't afraid to change. CHANGE IS NOT YOUR ENEMY - IT IS YOUR FRIEND."

Unfortunately (because like all humans I enjoy the comfort of the status quo)I know this to be true. Yesterday my wife and I managed to complete a budget! And as my wife stated "We're still talking and smiling!" In fact we are looking forward to some things! Knowing where you're at helps you see where you are going, and that is initiated by a small amount of change.

HERES ANOTHER ONE: "To have more than you've got, become more than you are." - Jim Rohn

Of course realization is only the first step in change. The second and more important is ACTION. To have knowledge of where your at and not taking steps toward your destiny is like sitting in the car without the keys.

How many things have you seen change in the last few years? (This is tough I know. Think economy.) You can be change. What small thing can you do today? Realize where you are and just take one step in the direction you want to go. The ancients remind us that the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Just a single tiny step defeats the enemy called average.

And remember this: "Only fools and dead men don't change their minds. Fools won't. Dead men can't"

Changin' to defeat the average. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

Oh yeah baby! COFFEE GOOD! I don't know about you but I really enjoy that morning cup! As average as that may sound.

You know, when the weekends roll around, the chance to become average always seems to come with it. The same old same old, do what everybody else does, clean, shop for food, laundry, church, relax from the work grind (mentally prepare to go back) . . . nothing special. Just the normal formula. Does that sound too average?

But what's the way out? I KNOW!!! Just throw your schedule a curve ball!!!
- Do some Saturday stuff on Sunday or visa/versa!
- Get out and do things a little different (Make shopping a fun adventure - this requires a bit of imagination. Like play hide and seek at the store. I know difficult if you're alone.)
- Send somebody you haven't talked to in a while a card, (A nice card. Not a "Hi you're a jerk" card) or call them.

We're working on our budget (novel), together (novel again.) But WOW! Now we can see where we're at! Something new!

GO ON! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Walk around a mall (You don't have to spend money.) Say "Hi" to someone you don't know. (Watch their reaction. It's fun.) Stroke some poor sales person - pretend you're rich.

All these little things add up to above average (different)! You can to it! (Spoken with a slight Spanish accent."it" = eet) And in the immortal words of Red Green, "Keep your stick on the ice." or "Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati."

Happy weekend and see you tomorrow!

Friday, January 15, 2010

So don't blame me!

I am beginning to believe in consistent focus. Excuses, someone once said, are a skeleton of the truth mixed with a lie (or something like that). Truth be told we (and I mean I) spend too much time manufacturing excuses rather than focusing on our dreams. Instead of consistently focusing on the way we want our lives to be, we find excuses for why it just won't work. LAIR! Be it money, time, somebody else, we find a way to delay what we should do or blame someone else.

Someone once wrote "If you can find an excuse, don't use it!" Most failures are experts at making excuses. There are always enough excuses available if you're weak enough to use them. The world simply doesn't have enough crutches for all the lame excuses. It's all to easy to find excuses instead of time for the things we don't want to, or know we should do.

So find a way, not an excuse. Here's a neat easy exercise that's been helping me.
- Take 10 minutes (Minimum) out of each day to just sit quietly and think about the way you dream things should be. Whether that's relationships, work, finances, physical or mental well being. UNINTERRUPTED TIME. Dream, but be consistent 10 minutes each day. Write it down if you can. Really, it's magical! You soon find yourself believing more and doing more than you've ever imagined. Your attitude changes. You start regularly thinking above average.

Got 10 minutes? (Sure you do) Come on let's go . . . No more daily grind, 2 Harley Davidson's, Trips to Virginia and the Canary Islands, Paid off mortgage, My own business, Continuous quality time with my wife, Helping others . . .

Oh this is good. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Life Bites! Ooh Ouch!

Here's a killer I read this morning:
"Would the boy (or girl) you were be proud of the man (or woman) you've become?"

Last night I spent 2.5 hours in a session learning and talking about finances. While it was presented in a fashion that definitely made you laugh, the truths were, well let's say penetrating. Talks about things like, "What's your debt level" (want a scary view? Include your mortgage.),"Do you have a college fund for the kids?", "How about savings to (get this statement) retire with dignity?!", "Do you have an emergency reserve fund equal to 3-6 mos expenses? Because something WILL come up!", "How about a monthly budget?". There were talks about how we live on credit and the "Shazam! They moved Christmas!" (or any other special occasion)and now it's an emergency and how with credit we end up living with it for years and the cost (interest).

Needless to say. I've succumb to the fact that at least I find myself living beyond my means at times. And compound that with the realization of the credit card interest rates! And while it's exciting that they raised our credit limit again, I realize that the rate of interests is probably higher than most loan sharks charge! And they do it legally!!!!!

Time to apply the issue of "above average" to the finances. Because in reality it's average to be in debt. Hey, everybody else is doing it! Well not me! Not any more!
I was encouraged last night by what is called "Baby Steps" and starting today I'm taking them. Focusing on things like "an emergency fund", "Savings", "Monthly Budgeting", etc. . . Hey, remember "Baby Steps". Do you remember a couple days ago we talked about the little things. If you'd like more help with things like this yourself I'd certainly recommend this website . . . I think Dave's got something there.

Come on . . . run with me a bit. We can do this! (I know I can) Remember if we make a little head way, we're above average, and that's a great place to be.

Feel the success and see you tomorrow.

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's the Little Things!

Don't cha know!? So many times we set ourselves up for failure. We dream and plan and then attempt the big things first. The result? Failure, discouragement, a no-can-do attitude and most of the times we quit. He's my take. Create some momentum and encouragement with the little things first.

Like today. Lists while annoying are a good thing sometimes. Make a list. I did. Then I immediately tackled a couple of the little things first. BINGO! I accomplished something and did more than I usually do. YEAH! I am the winner of the game that we are playing! I felt so much more than average. I had done something. And you know what else?! I feel empowered to do other things TODAY! Oh Baby - this is a milestone!

Seize the moment! Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. John Burroughs said, "The lesson which life repeats and constantly reinforces is 'Look under foot." You are always nearer than you think." Get it? Try doing the little things first. Feel the success!

"Every day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons." - Ruth Schabacker

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

In the Mix

Each day seems to be a mix of good and bad. Attempts at better than average and futility or loss. I appears to me that what we focus on is where we win or lose. And starting with what you have, not with what you don't have, is key.

It's all to easy to do nothing or withdraw because of what you don't have or can't have yet. It seems Ken Keys, Jr. was right when he said "To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have."

Today was a mix. Success and joy. (My car was fixed and it didn't cost an arm and a leg) plus I got to sit with and talk to others, offering my help with what wisdom I've gathered, and then there was a great mix of just the same old same old. At the end of the day I was wondering how effective I was at working on my goals.

Truth be told I was better. Maybe not a lot, but I was better. I started with what I had and moved forward in my day. Made some head way in getting things done, made an intelligent purchase (saved money - That's always a good one!) and lent myself to others.

You see the opportunities are always there, challenges to be conquered, decisions to be made, hands to be extended. It's our choices that determine our out come. I like to think that the power of choice is the greatest power that God gave man. That makes you and me very strong, able to do amazing things. The truth is you don't know what you can do until you try. That being above average is simply TRYING! Because the average just let time slip by and do nothing.

Here's to our little somethings and better days! See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Opting for the Easy Road?

Did you ever make one of those decisions that seemed like "This is the one!" It's gonna be a life changer! And then everything hits the fan. I mean everything! Life goes upside down, a family member goes to the hospital, your mate leaves town to help and circumstances don't tell you when they'll be back, work is boring, the car breaks down, and you can't find your credit card. You long for the safe road, the easy highway again. But you can't find the right turn and it seems like the directions you have are all wrong.

I think that's because the more than average life requires a fight. I think some call it the good fight of faith. Kind of like you only get stronger with exercise. You work against the resistance and that makes you a stronger more fit person. You believe there will be better days.

"Safety, comfortable" are the motto words for the average. But this whole journey is about becoming more. Robert Schuller said "Every problem is just a question awaiting an answer." Yeah! In other words. Slow down and think about it! There is a way. Don't opt for the easy road just because life throws you a couple curve balls for a few days. Find the way. Solve the puzzle (I like word finds). That in itself is better than average. Because most people give up. I'm not giving up and neither should you.

David Viscot wrote "If your life is ever going to get better, you'll have to take risks." So risk it, fight against the resistance and discover the the answer to being a bit better. I'm on your side. You are not fighting alone. I believe there's better days ahead.

Oh, and still don't buy a beige car. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There's a Time for Everything.

I am surrounded by thoughts today.
My wife just left to be with her mother who is very ill and her sister who needs help and support. I married an exceptional woman.

And I am sitting here at my desk surround by the quotes, sayings, books, and things that are supposed to inspire me to be better (more than average). I find that I don't feel that way. I feel disconnected, valueless, helpless, to say the least, less than average.

Yet one thing keeps coming to my mind. It is a scene from the movie "Rocky Balboa" where Rocky is talking to his son saying, "You, Me, nobody, hits harder than life! And it's not how hard you can hit that counts. It's how hard you can get hit, get up, and keep moving forward."

The flow of life (the routine) has been interrupted. . . But that's okay. I am convinced that all things work together for good. And Gandolph in the "Lord of the Rings" said, "All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given you."

So while I expect and pray that all will turn out well with my mother-in-law. I remember the key lessons her wonderful life has taught me.
- Open your arms to all who would fall into them
- Help always (However you can)
- Reach out to those in need

Now that's way above average! That's exceptional!

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things." Louis Boone. No matter what's going on in your life.
- See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You Can't stand in the Middle of the Road

You know you can't stand in the middle of the road (be politically correct all the time, or please everybody all the time) and still fight the enemy call average. Average tries to stand in the middle of the road and I read that there's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos. (James Hightower)

To attempt to be more than average is a choice, not a chance. Too many people go through life not knowing what they want, but the feel sure they don't have it. I guess there's an element of risk in stepping out of the average. You take a chance. That's what I'm deciding to do today. Take a chance. Do something differently. Hopefully surprise myself, and maybe someone else.

I discovered today that it's tough sometimes making the decision to be different. To not enter into the negative conversations and mind set. To force yourself to stay out of it, to not eat the cookie, to do the exercise (no matter how much it hurts.) Say something deliberate (maybe even cute) and move on.

I read this today:
"Too many people are like wheelbarrows, trailers or canoes. They need to be pushed, pulled, or paddled. You're either moving other people to decisions or they're moving you. Decide to do something now to make YOUR life better. The Choice is yours."

That really strikes me. THE CHOICE IS YOURS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER. I hope you can think of some choices you could make to make your life better too. As my wife would say "Make good choices." and the correct answer is . . . "Yes dear".

Making choices to change for the better. Something that fits in your own skin. And maybe even looks good while you do it. This sounds like fun! Make it great! See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh Ouch!

Here ya go the day started with these:
"You can't fulfill your destiny on theory . . . It takes WORK!

" What you believe doesn't amount to much unless it causes you to climb out of the grandstand and onto the playing field."

"The only time a lazy person succeeds is when he tries to do nothing."

And . . .
"God made the birds and the worms. But he didn't drop the worms in the bird's nest."

Talk about convicting stuff! So I head off to work with good intentions. Bent on be more (better) than average. Ta da! So I volunteer at work to go to a different area and look for the dead mouse that someone says they can smell. Well they were right. It stinketh! And . . . fifty 40lb. bags, two dead mice, cleaning up a ton of bird seed, 5-6 bags with mouse holes in them and a whole lot of bad smell later and I have accomplished what no one else really wanted to do. (You know that smell seemed stuck in my nose all day.)

But here's what I learned. Sometimes being a bit more than average means taking on what others will not or do not want to do. Going the extra mile so to speak. And you know what else? It will get you noticed. I was affectionately nicknamed "The Verminator" today. But I was also named team member of the week in my department, someone who did something extra.

So I guess I'm feeling pretty good about the fight today. A small victory is in hand. AND I can definitely say it fells pretty good. Now to translate it into other areas of my life. I think I'll drag this over into exercising and diet tomorrow. Whoa there now. Easy. Well you know what I mean.

Take the small victories and use them to accomplish a little more. Never give up! Never surrender! There's a long year ahead.

See you tomorrow.:>)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH NO!

Wow. what an interesting day. I won't say it's easy this thing, fighting average. I will admit to the struggle of not falling into the negative conversations and attitudes. Keeping your head above water swimming requires effort and so does this.

So I read this today and it really helped me. Maybe it can help you too.
"Life is too short to think small. . . so march off the map. Most people can do more than they think they can. (Just try) The answer to your future lies outside the confines that you have right now. If you want to see if you can swim, don't frustrate yourself with shallow water. Launch out in to the deep"

So even in the difficulties to just be the same, do the same, say the same, think the same. I'm going to march outside the box. Do something different, be something different. What ever the results. The way I figure it you can't change if you do the same things all the time. So I'm choosing the positive and the possibilities. It can't hurt and who knows, for some reason I believe it just might get better. So here's to all the different things I can do to change the way things are. How about you?

Here's one for today. If you get what you ask for. Ask for commitment. From yourself and others.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 A New Beginning

It has occurred to me that our (my) jobs, negativity, attitude (ex: "That's just the way it is."), age, bad habits all attack me (us) to keep us average. What a terrible scenario. I don't want to be that way, there's no good in that. TO be like everyone else? Uck!

The movie "Julie and Julia" real put a bug in me. The journey for 2010 is to fight the enemy call "Average" and to fight it in all areas of my life.
- Health (physical and mental)
- Finances
- Time
- Quality of Life . . . etc.

Maybe you can think of more. No the idea is to FIGHT! Maybe not to become a super hero, but definitely to be better for the trying, and to no matter what "Never Give Up Never Surrender!"

365 days ahead. . . Average . . .Not me!

I hope you come back often. Maybe you'll find some inspiration, or maybe you'll disagree. I promise you this. I'll share the good and the bad. Let me know what you think. Maybe join me in the journey.

My First piece of advise: NEVER BUY A BEIGE CAR!

See you tomorrow.