Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Great Expectationsh

That was a cool book title. Was it a movie too? I don't really remember (age related thing I guess). At any rate, I read two things recently that got my juices flowing.

1. "World class performers are driven by positive expectations." - Steve Sielbold

2. "High achievement always takes place in the framework of HIGH EXPECTATION."
- Charles Kettering

The first question these quotes beg for me is, "Should I expect more?" and the resounding answer that rings in my head is "WHY NOT!?!". I mean why shouldn't I expect more out of life? I should (we should). A while back I was sitting in my car outside of where I work and I remember saying to myself - "I was created for more than this." The realization was that the mundane routine of life, the box I was living in, was so small compared to my dreams.

What are your expectations? Have you let others who live average steal your dreams? Please don't, you can be so much more. But we have to choose to live on a track other than average. Let's call it exceptional! Yeah! Why not! It seems everything and almost every one is bent on controlling those around them to be average (just watch TV commercials and you'll see what I mean). If you're reading this you'd like to break the mold. Well go ahead. I give you permission to do so.

Here's an idea. Outline your expectations in every area of your life and then ask the crucial question: "SHOULD I EXPECT MORE?" (By the way the answer is "yes") Then raise the bar. Change your thinking, change your talk (To yourself first, then others) and change your actions! Be specific! Focus on your dreams, goals, desires, and move forward (even a little) DON'T SIT STILL! Expect to win regardless of the challenges.

I believe you will, I believe you can. Here's to great expectations. See you next time . . .

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thinking about it!

Hey blog lovers!

My apologies for being away so long. Frankly I don't know how a daily columnist does it. I try but woof. . . !

Anyway . . . the fight goes on. You know life jumps up and bites you in the a__ occasionaly, but you've gotta keep moving forward. Set a target, take aim and go for it no matter what. I believe that everyone who stops here for a read has the power within them to be better.

Here's what I've been concentrating on lately. Thoughts. That's right. Here's something I read recently, "Be careful what you think. Because your thoughts run your life." You see, if we start changing our thinking then our words will change (how we talk about ourselves and others), then our actions will change creating new habits, and then AWESOME RESULTS! Cool huh?!

Did you realize that thinking (or saying) something as seemingly innocent as "That makes me sick." can effect you personally? Every time you have a sad, angry or unkind thought, your brain releases chemicals that cause stress in your body! That's why some of us get a headache or a stomach ache when we get emotionally upset.

So what are you thinking? Because your body reacts to every positive thought you have also. In a good way. Your brain releases chemicals that relax you and make you feel good. I mean come on, who doesn't want to feel better?

This goes a long way on fighting the enemy called average. If we would all start thinking differently . . . well just think what could happen. You know if enough of us would do this a world could change. So start with yours. I know you can do it.
Thinking better and seeing you later.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Renewed Fight!

Well, just got back from my mother-in-laws memorial in Chicago. Wow - I still marvel at the greatness of a simple down home woman who loved family and people in general above all else. My wife shared a story with me about when her mom was in ICU how she motioned for something to write with (she was to weak to talk, tubes in her and all) and she wrote, "bagels, cream cheese, and fruit for the nursing staff". Even in her weakened state she was thinking of others and being better than average.

Why are we so self centered that we cannot be more like this? Truth be told I really struggled with the video of her life. I had to turn away or just cry like a baby because I miss her and her husband so much, and I know I have a ways to go to be more like them. I still struggle with the fact that they are not here anymore.

But in reflecting on things this weekend. I realized this! In the grand scheme of things it appears God has created us as eternal beings. And for a short time (in light of and eternity) we have been granted life on earth. A short time to experience "Life" and all of the beauty that it incorporates. SO DON"T WASTE IT!

Don't let life beat you down! Take a time out and enjoy a sunset, see something better in it's beauty. Stare at it for a while take it all in! GO AHEAD YOU CAN DO IT! Someone said that life is one thing that you only get ONE shot at. Live it well, don't be average - BE BETTER, MAKE BETTER EXPERIENCES! We all have the potential. Don't waste life, not one minute. It's not worth it. Growing, becoming a bit more every day is what makes this an exciting adventure!

So here's to your journey - Live a little more today, grow mentally, physically, spiritually. Do something out of the ordinary and become a bit more than average.
And remember the line from the movie "Hook" with Robin Williams, "No, to live, that will be an adventure indeed." On the road to better than average . . . see you there.