Monday, October 25, 2010

Only The Lonely

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like your the only one on planet earth and you just don't have any friends? WHAT A LIE FROM THE PIT OF H-E-double hockey sticks! The truth is we all have somewhere between 100-250 or more people that we know.

Here let me show you. Really, if you do this you'll amaze yourself. It's really easy and incredibly enlightening!

1. First, take a pen and paper and write down the names of everyone you can think of. Now don't qualify any one for any thing, just write down the names. Write down as many names as you can think of.

2. Now, after you've exhausted that, turn to your local yellow pages and go to the letter "A" and notice all the job classifications. Go through these classifications one by one and write down the names of any one and every one who works in those industries or professions (remember no qualifying). For example who do you know that's an A - Accountant, B-Banker, C-Chiropractor, D-Dentist (or Dog Walker), Etc . . . until you've made it through Z.

3. After that pick up your Whites pages phone book and begin again with the letter "A". Now who do you know with the last name Able, Atchison, how about Anderson (that last name with Johnson will keep you busy.) Keep going now B-C-D...Z. We're not done yet by a long shot!

4. Now how about first names!?! Arron, Bob, Betty, Chris . . . come on keep writing!!! You know there's probably at least 50 male and female first names, even more depending on how fancy you want to get. Bet you're not feeling so lonely now! In fact look at how your sphere of influence is growing!!!

Now here's the challenge, if you're up to it. Start at the beginning of your list and begin calling every one you've written down (Oh yeah, this is going to take few days.) But call and just say, "Hi, we haven't talked for a while (long time) and I was thinking about you. How are you doing?" THEN LISTEN (the world loves a good listener.) Or, "Hey you may not remember me but this is ________, we met _________ (Maybe in high school or at the doctors office), How's it going?" and listen. Find out about them, their family, what they've been up to. . .
At the end you might say something like, "Hey, it was great catching up. This was fun, maybe we could do it again some time." If they say something like, "Sure this was great." Put a star by their name and you can talk with them again sometime.

Cool Isn't it!!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!! And look at all the people you know!!!! You can go from hermit to social butterfly in minutes!!!!

The truth is, you know more people than you think and you are far from alone in the world. Don't ever believe that lie! You're a valuable item, and your friends will confirm it. When you're done you will know that you're never alone and you'll always have some one to talk to. Potentially, 100-250 or more. And if you start thinking about how they know that many too. Oh my gosh who could you end up knowing!?! EEEEEEK!

The road to an extraordinary life is paved with the people we know. Our network so to speak and you know more people than you think. In fact when you're feeling down, just one or two of these conversations can be a real "pick-me-up" (certainly better than another bottle of wine (or was that "whine") alone. Join me in connecting with new and old friends and acquaintances. It's really fun and it will keep you busy. Fills up your calendar too. See you later . . . .

PS -Hey here's an Idea! Leave me a comment and let me know how it worked for ya!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Walking in the Darkness

Is the title a give away? Too true too true you say? Well I agree totally.

Finding yourself in the seemingly never ending void between ideas and accomplishment is no fun at all. All seems black and results are the last thing shedding any positive light on your world. It's the void between and idea and it's fulfillment, an introduction and a relationship, a dream (or belief) and it's fulfillment. Like the time you began a business and now you find yourself in this void where nothing seems to work and work is all you do for precious little results. Or your working at getting fit, or digging into your own self improvement in another way. You search for things that will work, you try this and you try that only to find time spent again with little or no results. Maybe your even a few dollars lighter than when you began, wondering if this (or anything) will ever payoff.

I was reading this book that talks about "keeping alert with all perseverance" When I understood. It's the being consistent in the little things that bring small but definite results is what matters. SO . . . keep it up! Whatever you do that brings those small but measurable results in you life. That one more call, that one more repetition, or one more set, maybe just that one more "Hello, my name is" . . .

Have you ever heard the story about the person offered a penny doubled every day for a month vs. getting an mediate lump sum of one million dollars? You see most people would jump at the one million looking to avoid the work, when actually a penny doubled every day for a month equals more than FIVE MILLION DOLLARS!!!

The lesson here is. . . keep doing the little things you do right, the simple things. Here's another lesson I learned lately too: Don't panic in the moment when things aren't going the way you like. Do the right things right even when wrong things are happening around you.

Many times we complicate our lives and others with new things when the simple old tried and true done consistently are the answer. When those pennies pounds or whatever) are added continually, consistently, they will add up to huge gains in the long run.

That hit me in a huge way recently. Yes it's been dark lately and I've been uncomfortable, but it dawned on me I had been handed a simple solution and I was deviating from it. I heard the words in my mind, "Stay the course son and things will work out. Do the right things right and the end is guaranteed."

When you started your journey you had a couple of simple ideas and doing a little bit consistently was the answer to all your problems. Did you leave the track, deviate form the truth? Only you can answer that. But here's a truth that always works. KISS - Keep it simple stu...(baby). Even when it's dark . . . NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER.

Just call me persistent. I'm going to the other side. . . are you coming?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Who said? Repeated.

The following is a post from a Blogger,Tweeter, Facebook friend. And I'm reposting it here so that you know it's just not you and me that are thinking this way. It's from Annie Sorensen's blog, Live Your Best Life Everyday, and hope you will go there and receive some more inspiration. It reads as follows:

"A post inspired by a looong drive across the Midwest recently, and it’s all about…Average. Why is Average something that people are ok with? Or, stated a bit clearer – why is Average something that people think they HAVE to be ok with?

Let’s try this: You – yes, you – don’t have to be ok with average. It’s your choice. Who said you had to?

You don’t have to accept the fact that, well, the average person just kinda puts up with their job. Disliking your job is, you know, normal.

You don’t have to accept the fact that the average American gets sick every winter – or three times every winter – or once a month – or whatever.

You don’t have to accept the fact that you can kinda pay your bills every month. That you’re not saving nearly as much as you’d hoped – or none at all. But hey, that’s ok, that’s the same situation the average person is in.

You don’t have to accept the fact that if something is uncomfortable, it’s bad. People can’t change – they can’t better themselves or change directions or quit their job – that’s not normal, you say!

False assumptions.

You don’t have to accept any of these things. You can, if you wish. But you don’t HAVE to."

So there it is, and could she be anymore right!?! We don't now, nor do we ever have to settle for average. In the face of all the doubters in the world (they just want to keep you down at their level)you can forge on to BETTER than average. You can always be more if you want to be, and don't let anyone else try to convince you otherwise. See you soon.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Scarey . . . But Done!

I read this recently, "An entrepreneur (or person) should do at least one thing a day that absolutely terrifies them. I think you have to do things that scare you. There are so many more amazing life experiences when you operate on strength and courage, as opposed to fear."

Oh ouch, is that SO TRUE! So the question this statement begs is: "WHAT THE HECK ARE WE (YOU) SHYING AWAY FROM!"

Remember the last time you tried something new and it worked!?! Remember that feeling!?! Wasn't that great!?! That's what this person is talking about. That fantastic feeling that overtakes you when you try something new, and it works. But it doesn't have to be a complete success! You can get and incredible lift from just trying. You might fail the first time or even the second time. But you know what? After that, the third times not so hard (or frightening).

What would happen if we all took this persons advise? Everyday we tried just one more thing that we had deemed "scarey", something we shy away from because we consider it too hard. Why we would have conquered or taken a stand of strength in a new area of our lives three hundred and sixty-five times in one year! IS THAT ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE OR WHAT!?!

What if you only did it 100 or 50 or even 25 times in one year. You would have taken a position of strength that many more times. Standing up to something that before just scared the bejeebers out of yo!. OH MAN I"M GETTING PUMPED JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!

I say we do it! Jump it, I mean whole hog! (well you can work your way into it if you want) How much more than average is that? The average person just avoids the things that bother them. (Saw somebody at work do that) This is a road map to ABOVE AVERAGE! Take the high road with me! Let's go!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Not So Bad

You know I think that we forget that life's not really that hard. We worry so much about results sometimes that we forget that it's really just putting one foot in front of the other and taking one step at a time. Just take those small steps.

Think about it. In just your normal day to get from point A to point B. You just walk. One step at a time. And before you know it. You turn around and look back realizing that you've traveled some distance and you're closer to where you want to be.

Take a moment with me today and realize how far you've traveled. REALLY!! Even if you've been off course so to speak you covered some distance, you've been places and done things. Negative or positive there have been things to learn from and your a different person for having taken the journey.

This isn't some kind of sloppy "Oh, I'm okay, your okay" post. This is real and where you've been is real! It' may not be where you're going or what you ultimately want to be, but IT"S REAL! And your growing because of it. Heck I'm not at all what I want to be yet. But I'm not giving up and I'll bet my journey has been longer than a lot of yours.

So celebrate the journey with me today. You are great and becoming greater. Why? because you're taking life one step at a time and to look back only shows you the distance traveled. Cool Huh?

So here's to the journey. Stay focused on where your going. Don't let go of your dreams and just take one step at a time. It's so easy. See you soon. Better than average.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's Been A While

It's been a while since my last post. Okay let's be honest, it's been a long while. I don't know if it's been just distractions and ultra business or laziness. Maybe some of both. But I know I shouldn't be that way. I have been reassured that we all have those moments and as things go you have to just get back on the horse and start riding again. So, here I am.

And you know that's the lesson really. Get up and get going. In the beginning of things it always seems that the work out weighs the results. But you have to keep at it. The major book that I read says that we'll see results if we don't grow weary in doing good, or what's right, and may I add be consistent. So if you're like me and you fall off, or fall down occasionally. Do like the old song says. "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again." That's what I'm doing today. Why don't you join me?

You know as I think about it, average folk probably just quit, and that can't be us. As one blog I read recently said, "Your better than that." And you are. So am I. That's my stand, and I'm stickin to it. How about you?

Look for me tomorrow. I'll be here. And if you've stopped by lately only to see the same old post, please accept my apologies for being out for so long.

Here's to being better than average.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Something to Think About.

Lately I've been entertaining the thought that absolutely every thing in life is tied to self discipline. An ugly thought I know. Especially if you struggle with the subject and as I've come to realize, you do - if; you jump from one thing to the next without completion, try to do to much at once because so many things seem exciting, eat to much, drink to much or watch to many infomercials.

But any way . . . focus! Because we lack self discipline we also struggle with low self esteem. I mean think about it. If you were self disciplined, and focused, completing your tasks, reaching your goals. You'd feel better about yourself.

It seems that to many of us live on an island called "Someday". Like, tomorrow I'll get to that (Diet, exercise program, read more, do better, etc . . . ) Really "Someday" I'm going to consider that. Or, Your right, "Someday" I'm going to do something about that.

Let me tell you something I've realized. "Someday" is like tomorrow, IT NEVER COMES! When tomorrow gets here it's always "Today" and our excuses are still living in "Tomorrow" to keep us comfortable!

The absolute first step to success in anything is to VOTE YOURSELF OFF THE ISLAND! That's right vote yourself off "Someday Island" and take your stand in the self discipline of completing your tasks TODAY! I think some people call it taking action. TAKE ACTION TODAY. Don't wait for the tomorrow that never comes. Don't waste your time making up excuses for yourself to make you feel better. Today's the only day that's going to make a difference and if your trying to be better than average consider this. OVER 80% of the world's current population lives on "Sometime Island". That's one ___ big island! Can we all say "AWK!" together?

In fighting an enemy called average it pays great dividends to live some where other than were the majority lives. GET UP AND MOVE OFF THE ISLAND TODAY! Do something that you can make a habit of that takes you out of the average and off "Someday Island". Today I will _______ (You fill in the blank) and then when tomorrow becomes today DO IT AGAIN!

Vote yourself off the island today and form a small habit that makes you different than the crowd. Remember, I'm pulling for ya. See you latter.