Monday, October 25, 2010

Only The Lonely

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like your the only one on planet earth and you just don't have any friends? WHAT A LIE FROM THE PIT OF H-E-double hockey sticks! The truth is we all have somewhere between 100-250 or more people that we know.

Here let me show you. Really, if you do this you'll amaze yourself. It's really easy and incredibly enlightening!

1. First, take a pen and paper and write down the names of everyone you can think of. Now don't qualify any one for any thing, just write down the names. Write down as many names as you can think of.

2. Now, after you've exhausted that, turn to your local yellow pages and go to the letter "A" and notice all the job classifications. Go through these classifications one by one and write down the names of any one and every one who works in those industries or professions (remember no qualifying). For example who do you know that's an A - Accountant, B-Banker, C-Chiropractor, D-Dentist (or Dog Walker), Etc . . . until you've made it through Z.

3. After that pick up your Whites pages phone book and begin again with the letter "A". Now who do you know with the last name Able, Atchison, how about Anderson (that last name with Johnson will keep you busy.) Keep going now B-C-D...Z. We're not done yet by a long shot!

4. Now how about first names!?! Arron, Bob, Betty, Chris . . . come on keep writing!!! You know there's probably at least 50 male and female first names, even more depending on how fancy you want to get. Bet you're not feeling so lonely now! In fact look at how your sphere of influence is growing!!!

Now here's the challenge, if you're up to it. Start at the beginning of your list and begin calling every one you've written down (Oh yeah, this is going to take few days.) But call and just say, "Hi, we haven't talked for a while (long time) and I was thinking about you. How are you doing?" THEN LISTEN (the world loves a good listener.) Or, "Hey you may not remember me but this is ________, we met _________ (Maybe in high school or at the doctors office), How's it going?" and listen. Find out about them, their family, what they've been up to. . .
At the end you might say something like, "Hey, it was great catching up. This was fun, maybe we could do it again some time." If they say something like, "Sure this was great." Put a star by their name and you can talk with them again sometime.

Cool Isn't it!!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!! And look at all the people you know!!!! You can go from hermit to social butterfly in minutes!!!!

The truth is, you know more people than you think and you are far from alone in the world. Don't ever believe that lie! You're a valuable item, and your friends will confirm it. When you're done you will know that you're never alone and you'll always have some one to talk to. Potentially, 100-250 or more. And if you start thinking about how they know that many too. Oh my gosh who could you end up knowing!?! EEEEEEK!

The road to an extraordinary life is paved with the people we know. Our network so to speak and you know more people than you think. In fact when you're feeling down, just one or two of these conversations can be a real "pick-me-up" (certainly better than another bottle of wine (or was that "whine") alone. Join me in connecting with new and old friends and acquaintances. It's really fun and it will keep you busy. Fills up your calendar too. See you later . . . .

PS -Hey here's an Idea! Leave me a comment and let me know how it worked for ya!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I'll leave you a comment. Sorry it took me so long ... I haven't checked my gmail account for a while. I didn't have to do the exercise because you and your wife already make me feel like I'm "not alone" - Thanks you for that!!!! Have a good one :-)
