Monday, August 23, 2010

Scarey . . . But Done!

I read this recently, "An entrepreneur (or person) should do at least one thing a day that absolutely terrifies them. I think you have to do things that scare you. There are so many more amazing life experiences when you operate on strength and courage, as opposed to fear."

Oh ouch, is that SO TRUE! So the question this statement begs is: "WHAT THE HECK ARE WE (YOU) SHYING AWAY FROM!"

Remember the last time you tried something new and it worked!?! Remember that feeling!?! Wasn't that great!?! That's what this person is talking about. That fantastic feeling that overtakes you when you try something new, and it works. But it doesn't have to be a complete success! You can get and incredible lift from just trying. You might fail the first time or even the second time. But you know what? After that, the third times not so hard (or frightening).

What would happen if we all took this persons advise? Everyday we tried just one more thing that we had deemed "scarey", something we shy away from because we consider it too hard. Why we would have conquered or taken a stand of strength in a new area of our lives three hundred and sixty-five times in one year! IS THAT ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE OR WHAT!?!

What if you only did it 100 or 50 or even 25 times in one year. You would have taken a position of strength that many more times. Standing up to something that before just scared the bejeebers out of yo!. OH MAN I"M GETTING PUMPED JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!

I say we do it! Jump it, I mean whole hog! (well you can work your way into it if you want) How much more than average is that? The average person just avoids the things that bother them. (Saw somebody at work do that) This is a road map to ABOVE AVERAGE! Take the high road with me! Let's go!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad yer back, man! My philosophy is you can either "plod or plop." I'm going to keep on plodding until I reach my goals. NEVER SURRENDER :-)
