Friday, January 22, 2010

Things I Learned From My Dog!

I recently read something from that dog whisperer guy that has really had me thinking.
It's so cool if you think about it. In your (a) dog's mind everyday is Christmas! Every day is the BEST day! Every walk is the BEST walk! Every meal is the BEST meal! Every snack is the BEST snack. Every playtime is the BEST playtime! And every pet is the . . . you got it . . . THE BEST PET!

Now think about it. What if we accept this kind to attitude adjustment? What if we started to think about things like our dogs. I keep hearing that song in my head "Don't worry, Be happy." But start thinking of everything in a very very positive way! - Wow! This is the best time blogging I've ever had!
- or, This is the BEST trip to work ever!
Any way I'm hoping you get the idea. It would be so far above average to think and act this way. Try to do so though without letting your tongue hang out, or wagging your tail.

I've started talking to myself about this consistently, telling others about it. I really believe it can make a difference. Do ya feel me? Cause I'm feelin it! I'm just sitting here thinking about dinner. Wow! It's gonna be the BEST meal ever! And then I'm going to play with my dog and we're going to really enjoy each other!

Oh man! The more I think about it the happier I get(THIS IS THE BEST ________ EVER!) And you don't even have to have a dog . . . just get happy about the next thing coming up. See ya tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to take what you've said and try to use that way of thinking as I work to improve my tendancy to complain about little things. Like ... I'm tired. I'm achy. I'm whatever. Life is SO short. I'm reminded of the Van Morrison song, "These ARE the Days." Keep going, Geoff. You be "Rocky" so you can encourage those of us who know you :-)
