I am beginning to believe in consistent focus. Excuses, someone once said, are a skeleton of the truth mixed with a lie (or something like that). Truth be told we (and I mean I) spend too much time manufacturing excuses rather than focusing on our dreams. Instead of consistently focusing on the way we want our lives to be, we find excuses for why it just won't work. LAIR! Be it money, time, somebody else, we find a way to delay what we should do or blame someone else.
Someone once wrote "If you can find an excuse, don't use it!" Most failures are experts at making excuses. There are always enough excuses available if you're weak enough to use them. The world simply doesn't have enough crutches for all the lame excuses. It's all to easy to find excuses instead of time for the things we don't want to, or know we should do.
So find a way, not an excuse. Here's a neat easy exercise that's been helping me.
- Take 10 minutes (Minimum) out of each day to just sit quietly and think about the way you dream things should be. Whether that's relationships, work, finances, physical or mental well being. UNINTERRUPTED TIME. Dream, but be consistent 10 minutes each day. Write it down if you can. Really, it's magical! You soon find yourself believing more and doing more than you've ever imagined. Your attitude changes. You start regularly thinking above average.
Got 10 minutes? (Sure you do) Come on let's go . . . No more daily grind, 2 Harley Davidson's, Trips to Virginia and the Canary Islands, Paid off mortgage, My own business, Continuous quality time with my wife, Helping others . . .
Oh this is good. See you tomorrow.
LOVE this one, Geoff. Know what my biggest excuse is? "I'll start tomorrow. I just don't want to expend the self-discipline it will take to do __________ today." Lame, huh? I'm doing what you suggested the other day ... little steps - just start knocking them off one by one. Another trick I'm trying is to tackle first the thing I'm dreading the most. If I can do that, then everything else is easy.