Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There's a Time for Everything.

I am surrounded by thoughts today.
My wife just left to be with her mother who is very ill and her sister who needs help and support. I married an exceptional woman.

And I am sitting here at my desk surround by the quotes, sayings, books, and things that are supposed to inspire me to be better (more than average). I find that I don't feel that way. I feel disconnected, valueless, helpless, to say the least, less than average.

Yet one thing keeps coming to my mind. It is a scene from the movie "Rocky Balboa" where Rocky is talking to his son saying, "You, Me, nobody, hits harder than life! And it's not how hard you can hit that counts. It's how hard you can get hit, get up, and keep moving forward."

The flow of life (the routine) has been interrupted. . . But that's okay. I am convinced that all things work together for good. And Gandolph in the "Lord of the Rings" said, "All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given you."

So while I expect and pray that all will turn out well with my mother-in-law. I remember the key lessons her wonderful life has taught me.
- Open your arms to all who would fall into them
- Help always (However you can)
- Reach out to those in need

Now that's way above average! That's exceptional!

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things." Louis Boone. No matter what's going on in your life.
- See you tomorrow.


  1. Since I've been without the 9-5 routine for the last 5 months, soooo often I find I'm surrounded by what you describe many thoughts, ideas, reasons and I've reached the same conclusion as your mother-in-law - love it Geoff. Blessings and prayers on you guys.

  2. And almost daily, Wendi feels disconnected, valueless, helpless,and add stupid, under-valued, unrecognized, inept, unqualified and hypocritical. Here's what I'm learning concerning being in that "bad" place. I struggle most with these issues when:
    1. I compare myself to others.
    2. I start "stinkin thinkin" using the word "should" i.e. I should be, I should have etc.
    3. I put more trust in my experiences and feelings than the Scriptures.

    Ever since Spammy taught me to elevate God's truths over experience and feelings, my life has been SO different. I still struggle all the time - and lately it seems like I have a huge target on my back for people to aim their abuse - but I have experienced God's faithfulness when I meditate and act on His truths in order to experience His victory and presence.

    Love this blog, Geoff - keep writing!!! :-)
