You know cancer begins with a single cell in the body and spreads. Average can do the dame thing. But let me help you with something easy. Average only spreads if you let it.
Some days (like today, when you may be feeling below average) you have to just sit down and take stock of what's happened so far to see how far you've come.
I was just mentioning to a friend the fact that - Oh my God it's almost February! Where did January go. Then after sitting for a while and thinking about it it I began to realize how incredibly far I had progressed in the last 30 days! This taking small steps thing is working out. Here's the January take:
- 2 car repairs totally paid for in cash!
- Extra money in savings!
- New budget parameters set opening the door to an incredible future!
- A different attitude taking shape in my life (My dog's "Best Day Ever" thing)
- And a sense that I can carry some of this improvement into other areas of my life!
Now that may not seem huge to you. But consider it next to the same old same old, average way of life. Get up, go to work, come home, eat, watch TV, go to bed . . get up do it again way of life where NOTHING EVER CHANGES! Hey! We're making some head way here. Can't wait to see what happens in February!
And you know if you haven't really started yet. That's okay. You can start making small changes today. Just little things. Maybe only the way you think about things. Little things like snowballs, when packed and rolled become big (and noticeable) Evidenced by the 9' snowman in my back yard. Come on. . . take a chance on change . . . even just encouraging someone else some days helps you.
Make little things your goal and in 30 days you'll be amazed!
Better than average can spread to. Little things add up, like making snowballs bigger. I was surprised, I bet you will be too . . see you tomorrow.
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