Lately I've been challenged with this notion of; Get to the next level. I've realized I'm at a place I've been before. Same bat time same bat channel so to speak. Same habits, same income, same attitude, same physically, all the same. A little better but the same as a place from before. I've never really broken through. An AH-HA moment for me!
In all of this I've begun to think about - "What have you got to lose?"
An wow! - the list is huge. In my musings I've begun to realize my passion (I love helping other people accomplish good results). And again in all of this I've begun to believe that I will break the barrier! I really feel the new level emerging! Whoa, cool thing.
Then I read this, " All things come to those who go after them . . . the secret of success . . .NEVER LET DOWN - NEVER LET UP!" (Do you remember Galaxy Quest? If you haven't seen it, even if you have, I recommend renting it!) Many times success consists of hanging in there just one more minute"
Did you get that!?! "HANGING IN THERE JUST ONE MORE MINUTE" Wow! I know how many times I've probably given up just one minute too soon. How about you? Let's decided together today to not give up on being better than average! I know we can do it!
- Be energetic about your pasasion! People will notice!
- Be passionate about what you may lose out on and the fact that your going to achieve those things (what ever they are).
- Be energetic/passionate about perseverance!
NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! - and we'll see you on the other side. Later!
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