Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Angry Rant!


"Average performers live their lives in first gear, resisting or ignoring change and avoiding risk! The masses all have the same talent and opportunity as the world class; yet they choose to play it safe and avoid the pain of possible failure and the uncertainty of (temporary) defeat."

Don't statements like that just tick you off! They do me! It's like I find myself playing not to lose too often, or playing to cruise. And it gets me no where. Just the same old thing. This whole journey out of the average is really causing me to take stock on a regular basis and see where I headed. Or if I'm even moving at all. The scariest thing I encounter regularly is the fact that if I don't do something, make at least a little change, take a little risk, that everything will be exactly the same in the future. And that more than anything is starting to scare me.

I mean really! Do you want to wake up in five or ten years and find that everything is still the same!?!

Really! I (we) need to make a commitment to spend as much time as possible PLAYING TO WIN, and quit play to just exist! The later is just boring!(Oh, and has no future by the way.) In a world that is changing, and all of the so call guarantees are fading fast. We have to shift gears and get out of our comfort zones to challenge ourselves to realize our true potential. In each one of us is something more than we presently are. Maybe reading a new book (something other than fiction), or spend a few minutes a day contemplating the way you wish things were (Dreaming), or doing one thing outside the norm. Could change the entire landscape of our existence.

I spent time with a guy this week that has such awesome potential and if (when) he finds that one thing that clicks with him. His AH-HA moment! With his personality and latent talent, he is going to open literally thousands of new doors.

Here's a challenge! SHIFT GEARS into the possibilities! Take a chance this week on the "Maybe it'll work". Try one thing that you've never done. Oh it's exciting! I for one am after the new things. The challenges. Yeah some of it's scary. But something tells me the payoff is awesome.

Ignore the mountain and envision the ride down the other side after the victory of getting to the top. See you on the other side. Later . . .

1 comment:

  1. Like the sign above my desk, "Quit thinking why you can't and start thinking why you can!"
