I was called out last night. Well, sort of. It was mentioned that I haven't blogged for a while. It's a fact. While focusing on being something more than average I seemed to hit a wall. Maybe it's age? I know what I want to be/do. But I seem to come up short or lack the opportunities to move forward. There's also other tasks that seem to short circuit my ideas. Good or bad it's frustrating me to a degree.
Have you ever faced one of those times that something seems to frustrate your objectives at every turn? Humm . . . what to do?
I recently read that, "While average performers tend to believe truth and fact are the same, the world class knows there is a difference. . . The masses tend to operate from truth, which is often a distorted version of the facts. . . champions program their subconscious minds to believe their visions, dreams and ideas are truths." Ain't that a mouth full!
What I'm coming away with here is: What's my dream, vision, or idea and how do I program my subconscious to see that as the truth, rather than where I'm at right now?
Dream baby dream! Dream so often that you can't hardly distinguish the difference between the dream and your present circumstances! From what I'm learning then your mind goes to work on creating the steps to take you there. Then it's all action. OR so I hear. I'm a work in progress, and that's okay too.
How about are you? Are you dreamin? Hope so. All this helps us to become more than average. At the end of this who knows. We may become a movement. Not superheroes, just a bunch of something more than average people, maybe some one who makes a difference. Here's to the dreams! Later.
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