Here's one to capture your heart and mind.
"Champions believe if you remove adversity, you remove the victory."
In these days of the Olympic challenges and the herculean efforts of some of these athletes. We have to ask our average selves. Do I let my difficulties or fears hold me back?
You see the average choose the path of least resistance. But that's not you. That's why your here isn't it? To challenge yourself to be . . . a bit more than average. Average people watch television and hang out at happy hour with their friends that are going no where, and complain about how someone else is holding them back, rather than waking up and taking responsibility for their own lives and doing something significantly different. Routine is the friend of average and the enemy of extraordinary.
You see the great ones continually push themselves mentally and physically to the point of exhaustion. Only then do they rest and recover. The tough times to an average person, equals pain. To the better than average, tough times are the call to the mental training ground to be better.
So if you're going through a tough time right now. Remember, "Your just passing through!" Answer the call, think about your next move, do something different! How about just laugh at it because tomorrow is going to be different. What's that guy in the Mens Warehouse commercial say, "I guarantee it."
Write down three tough times you went through and then write down three good things that came out of each situation. Maybe it was only, "I'll never do that again." Train yourself to see the good in the tough times and your future challenges will become smaller. See you later.
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