Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Something to Think About.

Lately I've been entertaining the thought that absolutely every thing in life is tied to self discipline. An ugly thought I know. Especially if you struggle with the subject and as I've come to realize, you do - if; you jump from one thing to the next without completion, try to do to much at once because so many things seem exciting, eat to much, drink to much or watch to many infomercials.

But any way . . . focus! Because we lack self discipline we also struggle with low self esteem. I mean think about it. If you were self disciplined, and focused, completing your tasks, reaching your goals. You'd feel better about yourself.

It seems that to many of us live on an island called "Someday". Like, tomorrow I'll get to that (Diet, exercise program, read more, do better, etc . . . ) Really "Someday" I'm going to consider that. Or, Your right, "Someday" I'm going to do something about that.

Let me tell you something I've realized. "Someday" is like tomorrow, IT NEVER COMES! When tomorrow gets here it's always "Today" and our excuses are still living in "Tomorrow" to keep us comfortable!

The absolute first step to success in anything is to VOTE YOURSELF OFF THE ISLAND! That's right vote yourself off "Someday Island" and take your stand in the self discipline of completing your tasks TODAY! I think some people call it taking action. TAKE ACTION TODAY. Don't wait for the tomorrow that never comes. Don't waste your time making up excuses for yourself to make you feel better. Today's the only day that's going to make a difference and if your trying to be better than average consider this. OVER 80% of the world's current population lives on "Sometime Island". That's one ___ big island! Can we all say "AWK!" together?

In fighting an enemy called average it pays great dividends to live some where other than were the majority lives. GET UP AND MOVE OFF THE ISLAND TODAY! Do something that you can make a habit of that takes you out of the average and off "Someday Island". Today I will _______ (You fill in the blank) and then when tomorrow becomes today DO IT AGAIN!

Vote yourself off the island today and form a small habit that makes you different than the crowd. Remember, I'm pulling for ya. See you latter.

1 comment:

  1. I have discovered the ugly truth that I live by my feelings waaaay too often. The times when I make a to-do list and actually DO the list, everything else falls into place.
