That was a cool book title. Was it a movie too? I don't really remember (age related thing I guess). At any rate, I read two things recently that got my juices flowing.
1. "World class performers are driven by positive expectations." - Steve Sielbold
2. "High achievement always takes place in the framework of HIGH EXPECTATION."
- Charles Kettering
The first question these quotes beg for me is, "Should I expect more?" and the resounding answer that rings in my head is "WHY NOT!?!". I mean why shouldn't I expect more out of life? I should (we should). A while back I was sitting in my car outside of where I work and I remember saying to myself - "I was created for more than this." The realization was that the mundane routine of life, the box I was living in, was so small compared to my dreams.
What are your expectations? Have you let others who live average steal your dreams? Please don't, you can be so much more. But we have to choose to live on a track other than average. Let's call it exceptional! Yeah! Why not! It seems everything and almost every one is bent on controlling those around them to be average (just watch TV commercials and you'll see what I mean). If you're reading this you'd like to break the mold. Well go ahead. I give you permission to do so.
Here's an idea. Outline your expectations in every area of your life and then ask the crucial question: "SHOULD I EXPECT MORE?" (By the way the answer is "yes") Then raise the bar. Change your thinking, change your talk (To yourself first, then others) and change your actions! Be specific! Focus on your dreams, goals, desires, and move forward (even a little) DON'T SIT STILL! Expect to win regardless of the challenges.
I believe you will, I believe you can. Here's to great expectations. See you next time . . .
I think sometimes just identifying ONE thing we can do to work toward a dream helps the momentum to start flowing...just one thing! I am not a skilled multi-tasker, but one thing I can do! Too slow? Well, its faster than doing zero things which happens to me too often when I try to do too much.